28 Oct, 2021 | No Comments
Microneedling မိုက်ခရိုအပ်နှင့် အရေပြား နှိုးဆွခြင်း
What is microneedling?
Microneedles (MNs) make a small tiny holes via stratum corneum for delivering drug into skin and it consists of needles of micron size ( arranged on a small patch) which allow hydrophilic high molecular weight compounds, reaching directly into epidermis or upper dermis delivering 100% of the loaded drug without pain.
Dimension of microneedles
150–1500 microns long
50–250 microns wide
1–25 microns tip thickness
Microneedle material and its properties
(1) silicon
(2) silica glass
(3) metal
(4) creamic
(5) polymer
(6) carbohydrate (maltose, sucrose, xylitol, galactose, mannitol, trehalose)
Types of microneedle
Solid microneedle
Coated microneedle
Dissolving microcredit (biodegradable polymer)
Hollow microneedle
Types of Drugs used in microneedling
Oligoncleotides (short DNA or RNA molecules)
Cosmetics (Ascorbic acid, retinyl retinoate, eflornithine)
Analgesic (meloxicam)
Anticancer drugs (5FU, tamoxifen, gemcitabine)
Recovery time
approximately 2-40 hours after microneedling
Pain threshold
Less sensation of pain than 26-gauge needle.
Side effect
Temporary erythema, pain, and bleeding
Dr. Aye Min Htoo
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