Erysipelas အပေါ်ယံ အသားလွှာရောင်ခြင်း
Erysipelas is a superficial form of cellulitis, usually caused by group A Streptococcus (Strep. pyogenes) with a characteristic feature of raised, indurated and well-demercated inflammation of upper skin (papillary dermis).
- minor scratch
- insect bite
Signs and Symptoms
- High Fever, chills and rigor within 2 days
- Skin redness and tenderness with scaling
- Dermal oedema and swelling with distinct margin
- well-defined, red, raised and inflamed area
- Peau d’orange sign
- Common in upper body and head
- Oral or IV pencillin or erythromycin or clindamycin (for 10-14 days)
- Vancomycin (for facial by MRSA)
- Pen V or erythromycin can be used in chronic recurrent case (up to 2 years)
Dr. Aye Min Htoo
If you have been suffering from some of the above symptoms, you should contact a local dermatologist or by calling 092051590 for further advanced treatment.
အကယ်၍ အထက်ဖော်ပြပါ လက္ခဏာအချို့ကို ခံစားနေရပါက နီးစပ်ရာ အရေပြားအထူးကုဆရာဝန်ထံသို့ဖြစ်စေ(သို့မဟုတ်) အဆင့်မြင့် ရောဂါကုသမှုအတွက် 092051590 သို့ဖြစ်စေ ဆက်သွယ်နိုင်သည်။
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